Monday, July 30, 2012

Homework Day 3 Quizzes/Tests

Thank you for letting us use the website that our school uses. I was able to find a way to write a test/quiz and have it enter into my current gradebook. Of course I can't have anyone take the test right now. I did see how to assign the quiz to any of my classes. Of course this was very easy and I could have been doing this in the past. Our gradebook was new to us this last year. I was having to insert every assignment into the program every time I wanted to record something. I am hoping that those are all in now and this year all I will have to do is maybe change the date or number of points possible and recording grades this year will be so much faster. I anticipate only using this feature for short quizzes or for reasons to just check procedural understanding or maybe homework checks. I also set up a rubric in This too was very easy. I chose a topic that was listed which was art/collage. All I had to do is choose from the possible topics for each section. There were set criteria that came up for me. I was able to edit those to work for my own purposes. This is definitely a useful tool that can save a lot of time. I was able to save the one I made. I can access it again if I ever want to use it. Normally you would just print it and be done.

1 comment:

  1. You're welcome! I wanted this class to be as useful as possible, and figuring out what your school has available and how to use it seems to be a great way to make it more useful. And yes, the first year you use an online grading system is the most work. After that, you can usually copy and modify, which makes things a lot more teacher-friendly! Hope you have fun continuing to explore, and please post about cool things you figure out!
